Germany's National Youth Strategy

The federal government's Youth Strategy (Jugendstrategie) is based on the concept of the Independent Youth Policy (Eigenständige Jugendpolitik). Independent Youth Policy puts the interests and needs of young people at the centre. It considers youth as a separate stage of life characterised by three core challenges that young people face: the acquisition of life skills (Qualifizierung), finding their own position in the world (Selbstpositionierung), and empowering them to take responsibility for themselves (Verselbstständigung). This plan does not have a time frame and it is applied alongside the EU Youth Strategy 2019–2027, which includes measures to be implemented in different sectors.


Who was involved and how? Click on an institution to learn more.

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)

Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions (BAFzA)


Advisory council for the Federal Volunteer Service

Advisory board convened for a joint youth strategy


01 Mar 2018

Agenda setting

In a coalition agreement of the 19th legislative period the goal "to set a common youth strategy for the federal government" is set

01 Oct 2018

Interministerial Working Group (IMA for Youth)

IMA for Youth holds the first meeting to design and develop a common youth strategy

01 Jan 2019

Youth Audits

From January to May 2019, young people are inivted to participate in workshops on various topics in order to collect their opinions and then present them to the IMA

01 Feb 2019

Creation of BMFSFJ advisory board

The Federal Youth Ministry creates the BMFSFJ; an advisory board which ensures the involvement of civil society in the development of the youth strategy

01 May 2019

Youth Policy Days

Groups of young people and young adults develop practical recommendations for fields of action and possible measures for the youth strategy

01 Dec 2019

Adoption of Youth Strategy

The Federal Government took the next step and adopted its Youth Strategy (Jugendstrategie).

Youth Contribution

Democracy Days

Event for young people who want to play an active part in shaping their environments, and for educators and parents interested in learning and living democracy.

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Competence Centre Youth-Check

The Competence Centre Youth-Check (ComYC) allows young people in Germany to contribute to the law-making process in a direct and active way. They check the drafts of legislative projects, assess them using scientific methods and publish a report in which they highlight the impact of such a legislation on young people, this report is also passed to other actors in the legislation process, including the Ministries.

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