European Green Deal

The Deal comprises multiple strategies towards reaching climate neutrality. With the goal of cleaner energies, it is focused on ensuring a secure energy supply, promoting renewables and increasing energy efficiency. The objectives of the Deal are legally binding through the Climate Law. Supplementary strategies, such as the Climate Pact, are formulated to ensure that all member states have equal access to knowledge to guide them towards a sustainable future.

by WindEurope


Who was involved and how? Click on an institution to learn more.

European Commission

European Commission: Directorate-General of Energy (DG ENER)

European Commission: Directorate-General of Climate Action (DG CLIMA)

European Parliament

Council of the European Union

European Council


BP plc

European Crop Protection Association

Wuppertal Institute

Fraunhofer Green Deal Series


01 Jun 2019

European Council asks Commission for plan to reach climate neutrality

In June 2019, the European Council adopts its strategy for 2019-2024, which includes building a "climate-neutral, green, fair and social" Europe. It asks the Council of the EU and the European Commission to advance a plan for transitioning to a climate-neutral Europe.

In response to EU Council's request in June 2019 to adopt a new strategy towards EU-wide climate neutrality, the EU Commission proposed which of the following in towards the end of the same year?

Youth Contribution

Fridays for Future

FFF is a youth-led organised movement that started in August 2018. FFF activists have very strongly criticised the economic stimulus packages, the EU's agricultural reforms and the recent 'Fit for 55' package . Their mass protests have been crucial way for young people to enter the political sphere, and these movements continue to put pressure on decision-makers, leading to improved communication between policymakers and youth.

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Generation Climate Europe

GCE is an umbrella organization composed of the main European youth organizations in the field of climate change. It aims to actively advocate for the climate in the EU Parliament and the European Commission. They have made several proposals to the European Commission, according to which youth should also have a say in the drafting of climate policies. The GCE has made some very strong demands, such as declaring a climate emergency and acting with greater urgency to meet Paris Agreement goals.

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